Friday, September 18, 2009

Calling all ET adoptive families!

I took quite a long hiatus from this project as we have been moving all summer. I just wanted to write a brief post to let those of you who have submitted posts/essays and those of you who have asked about our progress know that we are still very committed to this project. We are just nowhere near a publishing date as we still need lots more stories from you all. We have many referral stories. We are lacking essays for the chapters dedicated to travel, attachment, school transition, Ethiopia experiences, special needs adoption and older child adoption, and thoughts on ethics in adoption.

We also would love some more photos. We are especially looking for that great cover photo or drawing.

I promise to keep you all updated as we get closer to completing the collection of stories and essays, In the meantime please send us anything that you feel comfortable sharing. Remember this book is going to be written for families interested in Ethiopian adoption or in process. It will not be available to the general public.

Lastly, thanks to those of you who submitted your essays during these busy summer months. I truly believe that our collective experiences can serve as an incredible tool for those who are just starting out or perhaps waiting for referral or travel.



  1. Whatever you need re: travel, attachment, school transition or older child adoption, I can give you. I got things to say but might need some direction toward what the people want. There are only so many blogging hours in a day.

    We've missed you, C.

  2. I wrote a lot about our trip while we were there and since being home and just ranted off a response to all the talk of ethics in Ethiopian adoptions. I have a lot more to say just not sure how to say it. Words came easier before we traveled now there is just a lot of stuff going on in my brain and a busy almost 10 month old to entertain.

  3. Hi-Someone mentioned on my blog that I should submit my recent post. How do I do that? my most recent post is up right now at I'm a little nervous because it's very "honest" but if you think it has a place in the book I would be honored to submit it :) Harmony
